- 澳大利亚也许在奥运会比赛中被英国打得落花流水,但其城市却被评为远比英国更适宜居住的地方,这也许会让澳大利亚垂头丧气的运动员从中得到些许安慰。
- Australia may have been trounced by britain at the olympics but its dejected sports stars can take some comfort from the fact that their cities have been judged far better places to live .
- 听到这,耶稣有一秒钟看上去很沮丧,其后他却更加容光焕发了,他拉起我的手,信誓旦旦说道:我可以都做到,我要你做我老婆。
- For a second , jesus looked dejected , but then he glowed even brighter and he took my hand and declared , " we can have it all ! I want you to become my wife ! "
- 村庄里却站满了好色,沮丧的男人们。
- Villages filled with horny , dejected men .
- 所有这些都让白尔显得有些沮丧。
- All this leaves mr bai somewhat dispirited .
- 但是乌克兰的许多选民还是心灰意冷。
- But many of the country 's voters remain dispirited .
- 她拒绝承认已出炉的选票结果,该结果显示亚努科维奇仅仅由于社会关系而胜出约5%,并称每一张选票都很重要;然而他似乎很沮丧也还未决定下步该做什么。
- She had dismissed exit polls which indicated mr yanukovich 's victory by about 5 % as " mere sociology " and said every ballot matters , yet she appeared dispirited and undecided about what to do next .