- 考虑到我们身上的局限性,我们永远也不可能在生活的每个方面做到最好,因此,培养某些方面的才能必然意味着任由其他方面的才能枯萎。
- Considering our limitations , we can never become the best we can in every aspect of our life , so cultivating some abilities always means letting others wilt .
- 我们一直被再三地告知,消费对经济发展至关重要,没有足够的消费,信心将会“枯萎”,零售业萧条,英国银行将不得不执行某种“困难平衡举措”,就像马戏团某种悲惨的杂耍。
- We are repeatedly told that consumer spending is all-important for the economy ; that without enough of it confidence will " wilt " retailers " slump " and the bank of england will have to perform some sort of " difficult balancing act " as if running some kind of miserable circus sideshow .
- 同样,庄稼生长也会过快,然后干旱枯萎。
- Similarly crops grow too fast , then wilt .
- 但昨天特里谢采用了更为乐观的语调,抛弃了先前拒绝承认经济复苏萌芽的姿态,因为他曾担心,这些萌芽可能很快就会枯萎消逝。
- Yesterday , however , mr trichet struck a much more optimistic note , ditching his previous refusal to spot green shoots for fear that they might soon wither and die .
- 由于线粒体的存在动摇不定,它们供应燃料的细胞萎缩或者死亡。
- As resident mitochondria falter , the cells they fuel wither or die .
- 我们的感官几乎就像在兴奋点以下,并在黑暗、冰冻和寂静中变得萎缩。
- It 's almost as if our senses become under stimulated and wither in the darkness , ice and silence .
- 同联邦政府的财政刺激带来的帮助一样,存货变动对经济的拉动也将继续减弱。
- The boost from inventory changes will continue to fade , as will the help from federal stimulus .
- 但他警告说,政策的刺激力度会逐渐减弱,而私人需求还没有准备好接替它。
- But he warned that policy stimulus would fade , and that private demand was not ready to take over .
- 当这些临时因素渐渐减弱时,当消费者们在近期汽油价格回落中得到好处时,就业形势可能仍旧会好转。
- As those temporary factors fade , and as consumers get the benefit of a recent drop in petrol prices , job creation may still rebound .
- 乍得的石油收入也在减少。
- Chadian oil revenues are also in decline .
- 然而,美国相对衰落是不可避免的。
- Yet relative decline is unavoidable .
- 付费电视普及则正走向衰退。
- Pay-tv penetration is beginning to decline .