- 在菊花村,一小串一小串的虫草摆放整齐,每克的价格已经超过了200元(30美元),接近黄金价格。
- In chrysanthemum village prices of caterpillar fungus , displayed in little bunches , run to more than 200 yuan ( $ 30 ) a gram , close to the price of gold .
- 两天后,有人发现了被肢解的司机尸体,据说他嘴里塞着一枝菊花墨西哥最臭名昭著的绑架团伙之一“一枝花”(theflower)的名片。
- Two days later , the driver 's mutilated body turned up , reportedly with a chrysanthemum stuffed into his mouth a calling card of " the flower " , one of the mexico city 's most notorious kidnapping gangs .
- 这种“昆虫炸弹”混合物被填充在一个16盎司的金属罐子中,其中包括氟利昂12、芝麻油以及除虫菊。(除虫菊是从盛开的菊花中提取的一种除虫剂)
- The " bug bomb " cocktail , held in a 16-ounce steel canister , consisted of freon-12 , sesame oil and pyrethrum ( the last is a natural insecticide derived from chrysanthemum blooms ) .