- 这里是我拍摄的几张荷花的照片,请欣赏!
- Here are a few pictures I took of a couple lotus flowers . Enjoy !
- 去年,百事公司还推出了用菊花与荷花制成的据说可让身体自然清凉的茶饮料。
- Teas created from chrysanthemum and lotus plants that claim to cool the body naturally were rolled out last year .
- 小道的左边,一地荷花,右边也是一地荷花。
- The left side of the little path is a puddle of lotus and the right side is another one .
- 这是一项沉重的负担。
- That is a heavy burden .
- 第二个负担是历史。
- The second burden is the past .
- 但是重担不应该只由这位将军来背负。
- But the burden must not fall only on the general .
- 在通用电气和飞利浦,客户销售和服务部以及远程监视服务也得到广泛应用。
- Customer sales and service departments -- and remote monitoring -- are also extensive at ge and philips .
- 荷兰电子集团飞利浦(philips)去年将消费类电器业务总部搬到了上海。
- Dutch electronics group philips last year switched the headquarters of its consumer appliances business to shanghai .
- 因特尔、德州仪器(ti)以及飞利浦等跨国公司都在菲律宾设有工厂。
- Multinational firms like intel , texas instruments and philips all have factories in the philippines .