- 难道我们给俄罗斯开错了药?
- Did we give russia the wrong medicine ?
- 在医药和军事装备领域也存在着同样的现象。
- We see the same phenomenon in medicine and military hardware .
- 笑声是最好的良药,所以要经常笑。
- Laughter is powerful medicine , so laugh often .
- 每种药品都可能会延长生命。
- Each drug potentially added life .
- 一场全新的药品战争正悄然开始。
- A new kind of drug war is brewing .
- 微笑是一种天然的药物。
- Smiling is a natural drug .
- 补救的办法就是做出一个真正可以匹敌的设备。
- The remedy is to build something that can actually compete .
- 犹如心脏病发作式的财政经济管理方式并非明智的治疗方案。
- Economic management by fiscal heart attack is not a very prudent remedy .
- 货币贬值可能一直是明显的治疗方法,但只能通过离开欧元区才能实现。
- Devaluation might have been an obvious remedy , but can only be achieved by leaving the currency union .