- 绿色的草地,黑色的车道,鳄梨树点缀着人行道。
- The green grass , the blackness of the driveway , and the avocado colored sidewalk .
- 于是莉莎特走了一步,果然,所到之处,树叶都收了回去,折成漂亮的绿色嫩芽,树枝则收成嫩枝,橡树变回橡果,柔软的青草跳起来给她让路,上面还点缀着蒲公英。
- So lizette took a step , and sure enough , everywhere she walked , the leaves folded themselves back into beautiful green buds , and the branches folded themselves back into green sprouts , and the oaks folded themselves back into acorns , and soft green grass sprang up for her to walk on , spangled with dandelions .
- 于是莉莎特走了一步,果然,所到之处,树叶都收了回去,折成漂亮的绿色嫩芽,树枝则收成嫩枝,橡树变回橡果,柔软的青草跳起来给她让路,上面还点缀着蒲公英。
- So lizette took a step , and sure enough , everywhere she walked , the leaves folded themselves back into beautiful green buds , and the branches folded themselves back into green sprouts , and the oaks folded themselves back into acorns , and soft green grass sprang up for her to walk on , spangled with dandelions .
- 无人知晓“奥马哈圣人”是否真的会收购这些主权财富基金所收购的股份。
- Nobody knows whether the sage would have bought any of the stakes purchased by sovereign wealth funds .
- 智者回答说,如果你真的很想知道答案,请明天早上来河边见我。
- The sage said , if you really want to know the path , meet me at the river tomorrow morning .
- 年轻人跟着智者上了一条船,沿着河流漂流而下。
- The sage and the young man then got into a boat and went down the river .