- 创建一个新的空白图层。
- Create a new blank layer .
- 它那些闪耀的表面空白又真实。
- Its glittering surfaces are blank and true .
- 每当我试图把以上内容解释给广告客户听得时候他们总是一脸茫然的看着我。
- Advertisers often look at me with a blank expression when I try to explain this .
- 七个席位中有两个将空出来。
- Two of the seven seats are vacant .
- 但是航站楼实际是空置。
- But the terminal was practically vacant .
- 这些房子往往处于空置状态。
- They were often left vacant .
- 我自己最好的工作都是在我无知的时候完成的。
- My own best work was done when I was most ignorant .
- 只消有一对乡下夫妇留下,那你就有可能投胎成为他们粗鄙愚昧的孩子。
- If just one hillbilly couple stayed behind , you could become their filthy , ignorant baby .
- 彼得会说,这种称呼根本无法激发起无知的平民百姓对那些实实在在的外星人的好奇心。
- That sort of thing removed the wonder of the truly alien for an ignorant populace , peter would say .
- 假若没有大刀阔斧的改革,印度人民就将继续在黑暗中工作。
- Without far-reaching reform indians will continue to work in the dark .
- 当农的眼睛在黑暗中遇光时,显得很正常。
- When nong 's eyes are illuminated in the dark they appear normal .
- 他们协助国贝尔维尤医院撤离,在黑暗中穿梭在13层楼中帮助病人。
- They assisted in the evacuation of bellevue hospital bringing patients during 13 flights of stairs in the dark .