- 山洞幽暗深邃、神秘莫测,隐藏在莽莽原始森林中。
- Cave dark and deep , mysterious and inscrutable , hidden in the luxuriant forests .
- 回家摆当院里让露水一露,次日清早起来便可以拣粗壮硬实,枝繁叶茂的往门楣两边插了。
- Home pendulum when home let dew is exposed , they rose can pick sturdy hard , with luxuriant foliage to the lintel side plug .
- 教学区内绿树成荫,花草茂盛,环境优美。
- In the teaching area the greenery create shades , the flowers and plants are luxuriant , excellent surroundings .
- 作为一种特殊的文化现象,企业文化藏丰富的内涵。
- As a special cultural phenomenon , enterprise culture includes profuse connotation .
- 你高雅感情丰富且有自知之明。
- You 're elegant , profuse in sentiments and possessed of self-knowledge .
- 竖直的密集的灌木,原产于西伊比利亚半岛,有极其丰富的白色或粉色的花;移植到英格兰的西南部。
- Erect dense shrub native to western iberian peninsula having profuse white or pink flowers ; naturalized in southwestern england .
- 造成不平等的原因恰恰就在高层,少数创造一次性收入奇迹的人(比如扎克伯格)通过火爆的市场事件赚了大钱。
- That the real driver of inequality is at the very top , with a few one-time income wonders ( ie zuckerberg ) that make their money from exuberant market events .
- 在这幅少有的有人物出现的冬天景致里,和服的图案在木板水印画代表白雪的白纸上营造出生气勃勃的对比:凸显出大而柔软的貌似雪花的大团。
- In this rare winter image with a figure , the patterned kimono creates an exuberant contrast , with the white paper in the woodblock print representing snow : gouged out chunks show as big , soft flakes .
- 它生机勃勃,讲述了一个男孩与他最好朋友间的故事,只不过他的好朋友碰巧是个有着超强自制力的“死神”机器人而已,它可能是近10年来所拍摄的有关大脑的科幻电影中,比《auto-tune》还轻松的片子。
- Its openly exuberant and sobering tale of a boy and his best friend , who just happens to be a death-bringing robot with excellent restraint , is probably the most cerebral sci-film made over the last 10 years that isn 't more depressing than auto-tune .