- 得到允许,不,是得到邀请进入陌生人的个人生活中去,分享他们的欢乐与恐惧,这意味着得到机会用南方的苦艾去换得和贝奥伍尔夫共饮蜂蜜酒或和奥立佛特威斯特一起喝上一杯加奶的热茶。
- To be allowed , no , invited , into the private lives of strangers , and to share their joys and fears , was a chance to exchange the southern bitter wormwood for a cup of mead with beowulf or a hot cup of tea and milk with oliver twist .
- 不过山岚减肥茶在配制的时候,添加了兰贵人、鹧鸪茶、罗望子叶等其他中药茶,已经去除了一些苦丁茶的苦味。
- But when in the configuration slim-fast villas , added orchid benefactor , partridge tea , rom hope other herbal tea , in rotor has removed some bitter butyl tea bitterness .
- 不过要特别注意的是,苦丁茶凉性偏重,清热解毒、软化血管、降血脂的功能较其他茶叶更好,最适合体质燥热者饮用,但虚汗体质的人绝对不适宜饮用此茶。
- But you have to pay special attention to is , butyl bitter tea cool lay particular stress on , qingrejiedu , softening vessels , fall hematic fat function better than other tea , the most suitable for the constitution hot drink , but the man is sweating constitution is not fit to drink the tea .