- 健康志愿者服用盐酸非索非那定,一种抗组胺剂用来打击抗过敏,同时也饮一杯葡萄柚汁,一杯有柚皮甙的水(这使葡萄柚汁具有苦味),或普通的水。
- Healthy volunteers took fexofenadine , an antihistamine used to fight allergies , along with either a glass of grapefruit juice , a glass of water with naringin ( which gives the bitter taste to grapefruit juice ) , or plain water .
- 有些艾草味道涩苦。
- There are species of artemisia possessing a bitter taste .
- 但大多数含咖啡因的饮料已经经历了足够的处理苦味的工序。
- But most caffeinated drinks have gone through enough processing to camouflage the bitter taste .
- 所以菅直人可能要在九月面对一场更加激烈的领导选举。
- So mr kan may now face a bitter dpj leadership contest in september .
- 由于国内激烈的价格战,国航的扩张计划陷于停滞。
- Expansion plans were put on hold by a bitter domestic price war .
- 可可含量超过60%的巧克力尝起来会有些太苦了。
- Chocolate with more than 60 percent cacao will be too bitter .
- 二月份越南官方缴获的非法捕获野生动物数量创下了纪录,其中包括两吨虎骨、熊掌和胆汁。
- In february , vietnamese authorities seized a record haul of illegally harvested wildlife products , including two tons of tiger bones , bear paws and gall bladders .
- 去年年初有人发现,以抽取黑熊胆汁为业的福建归真堂药业股份有限公司正打算举行ipo。
- Early last year it emerged that guizhentang pharmaceutical corporation , an enterprise built on the extraction of bile from the gall bladders of moon bears , was planning an ipo .
- 胆汁内的主要活性成分是熊去氧胆酸udca,用于消炎以及治疗胆结石和肝脏疾病。
- The main active ingredient in the bile is ursodeoxycholic acid , or udca , which is thought to act as an anti-inflammatory and is used to treat gall stones and liver ailments .