- 回顾总结了1978-2008年益阳苎麻产业发展的光辉历程,以及期间的品种更新与技术创新。
- This paper reviewed the development course of ramie industry in1978-2008in yiyang city and introduced the variety renewal and technological innovation .
- 苎麻属植物亲缘关系的研究将为探讨苎麻起源、进化与分类以及苎麻种质资源的研究与育种利用提供科学依据。
- Research on the genetic relationships of boehmeria can provide scientific basis for exploring the origin , evolution , classification and ramie breeding .
- 暗期间断对光敏感雌性不育苎麻活性氧代谢的影响。
- Effect of dark-breaking on metabolism of reactive oxygen species in the photoperiod-sensitive female sterile ramie .