- 预算中最严重的一个错误,也是奥斯本将为之后悔的,是没有削减国民医疗开支。
- The single gravest error in this budget , and it is one that mr osborne will come to rue , was ring-fencing health .
- 但就当下而言,乐观主义者应该庆祝,而奥巴马先生则要为经济数据日历的不公平而感到后悔。
- But for now , optimists should celebrate , and mr obama can rue the injustice of the economic data calendar .
- 他还预言:“当黑莓开始在飞机上使用的时候,总监们就要开始后悔了。”
- " Chief executives will rue the day when blackberrys work on planes , " he predicts .
- 在西班牙rutadelsol一年一度、为期五天的比赛中,他排名第4位。
- In the ruta del sol " - a five-day race held each year in spain - " he was fourteenth .
- 芦丁可以减少肿胀和软组织损伤。
- Rutin may reduce the swelling and bruising of soft tissue injuries .
- 苦荞中芦丁和槲皮素的含量。
- Table 2 the detected contents of rutin and quercetin in buckwheat .
- 芦丁对去势大鼠脂质过氧化的影响。
- Influence of rutin on lipid peroxidation in ovariectomized ( ovx ) rats .