- 海地的太子港,灰色丰田花冠正缓缓驶进十字路口中心,试着从身着约旦陆军迷彩服,吹着哨子,手持紫色塑料棒,正在指挥交通的跛脚男人身边溜过。
- Port-au-prince , haiti - the gray toyota corolla edged closer to the center of the intersection , trying to sneak past the man with a limp , directing traffic in jordanian army fatigues , with a whistle and purple plastic wand .
- 花冠一季度的销量较上年同期下降了10%。
- The corolla 's first-quarter sales fell 10 % from a year earlier .
- 比如,我们买了一辆丰田2001年出的克罗拉,买时已经用过五年了。
- For example , we bought a 2001 toyota corolla , which at the time was 5 years old .
- 她戴着一串由金币制成的项链.
- She wore a chaplet made up from gold bill .
- 从洛夫乔伊项圈公司制造的阀门和配件。
- Custom manufactured valves and fittings from lovejoy chaplet corporation .
- 耶稣上十字架前所戴荆棘枝条编成的头冠。
- The woven chaplet of thorn branches worn by jesus before his crucifixion .
- 丰田的质量和可靠性曾经在美国长期雄居各家汽车厂商之冠。
- Toyota had long held the u.s. crown for top quality and reliability among car makers .
- 渔夫的妻子坐在两英里高的金色宝座上,头戴两英尺宽三英尺长的王冠。
- A fisherman 's wife sits on a golden throne two miles high , wearing a crown three yards by two yards .
- 他需要确定用于冠中的黄金的重量和密度。
- He needed to be sure of the weight and density of the gold used in the crown .
- 7/16奥巴马注视着俄罗斯仪仗队士兵敬献花圈。
- 7 / 16 Russian honour guards lay a wreath as obama watches
- 一开始,他就问能否在世贸中心倒塌现场献上花圈,以表敬意。
- He started by asking whether he could lay a wreath at ground zero as a show of respect .
- 根据儿童书上一页而创作的巨型花环图案,真可爱!
- A gigantic wreath of a page from a children 's book . Lovely !