- 现在研究者阐明了花能够分辨出黄油爱好者的能力。
- Now researchers have illuminated the flower 's ability to ferret out butter fans .
- 灰绿色的颈部增添了与此华丽花朵令人惊喜的鲜明对比。
- The lime green throats add amazing contrast to this magnificent flower .
- 有一簇十分蔚蓝的花朵总会会引起我的注意。
- There is one particular blue flower that has always caught my eye .
- 樱桃和梨树会在一月末开花,在冬天正式结束之前,花坛中就会簇拥着毛茛、鸢尾花和天竺葵花。
- Cherry and pear trees will blossom in late january , while flower beds will be crowded with blooming buttercups , iris and geraniums long before winter has officially ended .
- 蜜蜂们的工作就是在一朵朵花上飞过,饱餐一顿的过程中也传播了果树的花粉。
- The bees ' job is to flit from one blossom to the next , gorging themselves and in the process spreading the trees ' sexual dust .
- 她无论如何也不愿把这株牡丹踩坏的,因为她还满怀期待它发芽、开花,使花园充满芳香呢。
- She would not have spoiled this peony for a great deal , for she had looked forward with much pleasure to the time when it should bud and blossom , and fill the garden with its fragrance .
- 现在正是开花的好时候,公园里一定很漂亮。
- The park must be lovely , with all the flowers in bloom .
- 看着漆黑天幕中的银色的花。
- Looking at silver bloom against black .
- 巴塞尔植物园预计这棵高6.6英尺(2米)的植物在开花期间将会吸引1万名游客前来观看。
- The basel botanical gardens expects the 6.6ft ( 2m ) plant to attract 10000 people whilst in bloom .
- 奥巴马政府则希望打破这一种格局。
- The obama administration wants to break that pattern .
- 朴素的人字交叉形图案也是个不错的选择。
- A discreet herringbone pattern is also acceptable .
- 只有一个国家已设法改变了这种格局。
- Only one country has managed to change this pattern .