- 当我们乘车驶出机场时,一名锡克族士兵正躲在一顶有着粉红玫瑰花样的红色雨伞下面。
- As we drive out of the airport , a sikh soldier is huddled under a red umbrella dotted with pink rose designs .
- 当我们乘车驶出机场时,一名锡克族士兵正躲在一顶有着粉红玫瑰花样的红色雨伞下面。
- As we drive out of the airport , a sikh soldier is huddled under a red umbrella dotted with pink rose designs .
- 市场上立着水果贩子,他们的水果应有尽有:醇美可口的无花果带着青紫色的果肉,蜜瓜味似麝香艳若黄玉,香橼、番石榴和一簇簇的白葡萄,溜圆金红的橙子,以及青金色的椭圆柠檬。
- In the market-place stand the fruitsellers , who sell all kinds of fruit : ripe figs , with their bruised purple flesh , melons , smelling of musk and yellow as topazes , citrons and rose-apples and clusters of white grapes , round red-gold oranges , and oval lemons of green gold .