- 这一语气的变化十分明显。
- The change of tone was stark .
- 德克斯的语调里有一种试探,又或者是奚落。
- There was a test in dex 's tone , maybe a taunt .
- 她说,她同时为他随意的语调感到吃惊。
- She said she was , however , surprised by his informal tone .
- 有红色调的和珊瑚紫色和紫罗兰色的,每一个插花设计都有一种色调。
- From reds and corals to purples and violets , there 's a hue for every design palette .
- 工党党员曾是欧洲怀疑论者,怀疑欧盟的资本主义色彩。
- Labourites were once eurosceptic , suspicious of the eu 's capitalist hue .
- 当然,我的天空并没有变得更蓝:它还是我熟悉的色彩。
- No , the sky is not bluer : it 's just a familiar hue .
- 该党由牧师伊恩佩斯利(revianpaisley)创建,带有明显的新教色彩,几乎受不到天主教的任何支持。
- Founded by the rev ian paisley , the party has a distinctly protestant tinge and attracts next to no catholic support .
- 早在火山喷发对欧洲航空业造成破坏之前,整个欧洲大陆的游客就在忍受着有着老式色彩的劳动纠纷带来的恶劣后果。
- Well before a volcano wreaked havoc with europe 's air transport , travellers across the continent were coping with the effects of labour disputes that had an old-fashioned tinge .
- 例如,她承认,她不希望伊拉克人民视美国为占领者,却无视伊拉克人民在20世纪20年代抵抗英国这一历史和阿拉伯人对任何殖民主义色彩的敏感。
- She admits , for example , that she didn 't expect iraqis to view americans as occupiers , ignoring the history of iraqi resistance to the british in the 1920s and the arab sensitivity to any tinge of colonialism .