- 我们领着他们登上飞机尾部的登机舷梯,然后坐到垫着帆布的座位上。
- We led them up the ramp at the back of the plane and they climbed into the canvas seats .
- 三个小时后,飞机在降落迈阿密,机尾的登机舷梯再度开启,紫色的夜幕随之映入机舱里。
- The plane landed in miami three hours later and the ramp at the back opened and let the purple evening light into the hold .
- 阿伊达抱起了弗雷德林,我一边抱起了罗丝,一边拉着卢森达的手,我们一同走下了舷梯。
- Ayida picked up fredeline and I picked up rose and took lucsenda 's hand and we walked down the ramp together .