- 现在,穆克吉看见许多癌症病人的航程驶入了黑夜。
- Mukherjee has now seen many patients voyage into the night .
- 阅读此“博客”将是一次途径蒙田探索领域的航程。
- This blog will be a voyage through some of montaigne 's areas of exploration .
- 在这段航程中,哥伦布还到过古巴东北海岸和伊斯帕尼奥拉岛北部海岸。
- During this voyage columbus also explored the northeast coast of cuba and the northern coast of hispaniola .
- 他想将他的船载满各种货物后航行到国外去。
- He wanted to sail his ship abroad with all kinds of goods .
- 苏珊:我喜欢航帆但是我从来都没有时间。
- Susan : I love to sail , but I never have time .
- 这意味着应当在相当靠近太阳的空间位置部署一艘超轻型太阳帆飞船。
- That means deploying an ultralight solar sail really close to the sun .