- 先生应邀出席由教育部和安博教育集团联合主办的全国校长论坛。
- Murali sir was invited to attend the national headmaster conference sponsored by educational bureau and ambo and make a speech .
- 收入差距问题促使美联储主席本.伯南克于2月6号对此发表次演讲,呼吁加强教育及培训工作以帮助那些失业工人摆脱困境。
- The issue of inequality prompted ben bernanke , the federal reserve chairman , to make a speech on february 6th calling for improvements in education and training to help displaced workers .
- 而且,巴拉克奥巴马(barackobama)也计划在塞尔马一所教众主要为黑人的教堂发表演讲,很难说希拉里没有受到这方面的影响。
- Still , it is hard to believe that mrs clinton was not influenced by the fact that barack obama is scheduled to make a speech at a black church in selma .
- 我们会在下一部分处理这个问题。
- We 'll address that in the next section .
- 你的姓名,地址是什么?
- What 's your name and address ?
- 我便把地址告诉他。
- I gave him the address .