- 这盘菜结果很完美,但是我在不知不觉中幸运地避免了产生臭鸡蛋气味。
- The dish turned out fine , but I had unknowingly and luckily avoided producing a rotten egg stink .
- 当然了,经济仍会臭烂不堪,但我们深陷其中的螺旋式沉沦将终止。
- Of course , the economy would still stink , but the death spiral we are in would end .
- 臭弹和污水沟散发出的那种气味真是再熟悉不过了,但新的研究表明恶臭未必全是坏事。
- The odour may be horribly familiar from stink bombs and sewage , but new research suggests the foul fumes might not be all bad .
- 气味与我们的心理有什么关系吗?
- How is psychology connected to smell ?
- 强烈的嗅觉帮助定位腐尸或活着的猎物。
- A strong sense of smell helps locate carrion or live prey .
- 面部畸形使这个病人无法正常说话,也没有正常的嗅觉和味觉。
- The deformities left her unable to speak , smell and taste properly .
- 这种花的臭味通常在夜间最浓烈,可以吸引腐尸甲虫和肉蝇这样的传粉昆虫。
- The odour , which is usually strongest at night , is meant to attract pollinators such as carrion beetles and flesh flies .
- 克里斯内尔女士和斯宾塞博士想弄清楚闻瓶子里的气味是否会联想到一个特定的音调,甚至是特定的乐器。
- Ms crisinel and dr spence wanted to know whether an odour sniffed from a bottle could be linked to a specific pitch , and even a specific instrument .
- 该树一年四季都结果,果实在未成熟时有一股刺鼻的臭味,因此也被称为乳酪果或臭果。
- The tree carries fruit throughout the year and the fruit tend to have a very pungent odour when ripening ( also known as the cheese fruit or vomit fruit ) .