- 扎堆的自行车停在哥本哈根。
- Packed bike parking in copenhagen .
- 几分钟后我就躺倒在摩托车下面,我的右腿搁在排气管上面。
- Minutes later I lay beneath the bike , my right leg frying on the exhaust pipe .
- 我驾驶的是凯文妻子的摩托车,她则坐在凯文的后座上。
- I was riding kevin 's wife 's bike . She took up the pillion seat behind kev .
- 你承认偷了这辆自行车吗?
- Do you plead guilty to stealing the bicycle ?
- 有的则制作移动的自行车运动陈列。
- Others are elaborate moving displays of bicycle action .
- 世界已经从这辆“自行车”上摔了下来。
- The world has fallen off the bicycle .