- 而对恐惧威力的迷信,则驱使管理层甘受资本市场的控制,屈服于被收购的威胁。
- Belief in the potency of fear drove the subjection of managers to the takeover threat , policed by the capital market .
- 其次,通过引述历史事实法律的、宗教的、经济的、社会的、智识上的、军事的、政治的,以及道德和哲学上的,来考察“隶属”这个概念。
- In the second place , the idea of subjection is tested by reference to historical realities legal , religious , economic , social , intellectual , military , political , and moral or philosophical .
- 动物的这些用途是如此制度化、规范化,在我们的社会,很难找到看出其恐怖的关键距离:多种形式的征服,奴役和就杀害动物供人食用或其他用途来说十足的谋杀。
- These uses of animals are so institutionalized , so normalized , in oursociety that it is difficult to find the critical distance needed to see themas the horrors that they are : so many forms of subjection , servitude and - inthe case of killing animals for human consumption and other purposes - outrightmurder .