- 要想进入生产流水线,必须穿过一个高科技的净化室。
- To get to the production line you pass through a high tech decontamination chamber .
- 这些障碍阻挡了以前对改造下议院的试图。
- Such obstacles have scuppered previous attempts to revamp the second chamber .
- 而davidcameron正在以更快的速度让上议院变的拥挤。
- David cameron has packed the chamber at an even faster rate .
- 卡特朝卡西亚诺的胸部开了枪。
- Carter shot casiano in the chest .
- 她沉重的胸前面挂着一架塑料的双光眼镜。
- She had plastic bifocals hanging on a chain over her heavy chest .
- 该图片没有电子合成,真实展示了一个男人的胸。
- The picture , not digitally enhanced , is of a real man 's chest .
- 习极少容许外界瞥见他是如何治理国家的。
- Xi has the outside world s of how he governs .
- 习设法通过不冒犯和进攻重要人士以及避免木秀于林上升到如今的高度。
- Xi has to rise to where he is by not ing important people and by avoiding standing out .