- 看,壁画都应该要在潮湿的石膏上画,否则它们会剥离。
- See , frescoes are supposed to be painted on wet plaster or they start to peel .
- 忘掉那些贴膏药式的纾困和挤牙膏式的紧缩方案吧,欧元区债务危机的终极解决办法是“政治联盟”。
- Forget the sticking plaster bail-outs and slice-by-slice austerity packages . The ultimate solution to the eurozone debt crisis is " political union " .
- 至于暗能量的想法,艾莉森将它称为“贴膏药”,以此来掩盖我们实际并不了解这究竟是什么的事实。
- As for the idea of dark energy , alison describes it as a " sticking plaster " that masks the fact that we don 't really know what it represents .
- 每次孩子铺完自己的床后就让他把一个补丁涂成彩色。
- Each time your child makes her bed , let her color a patch .
- 火狐浏览器,宣称是最安全的浏览器,也需要持续地打补丁。
- Firefox browser , marketed as the most secure , has to patch the code continuously .
- 如果足球协会和社会网络能够变成一个名不副实的国家,谁还会需要一块沙滩呢?
- If football authorities and social networks can turn into states of sorts , who needs a patch of sand ?
- 科学家给老鼠注射了致命剂量的蛇毒,然后在注射部位周围皮肤上涂抹了一种含有一氧化氮的药膏。
- The scientists injected rats with deadly amounts of snake venom . Then they rubbed an ointment containing nitric oxide on the skin around the injection site .
- 实际上仅仅在软膏中的飞跃可能来自难以想象的资源。
- Indeed , the only possible fly in the ointment may come from an unexpected source .
- 他说,这种一氧化氮药膏对人类也有效。
- He says the nitric oxide ointment also showed promise in humans .