- 一些配方是阻塞子宫颈,很像现在的横膈膜。
- Some would have blocked the cervix , much like a modern diaphragm .
- 如果你的呼吸失去控制或者不够规律,横膈膜就要抱怨了。
- If your breathing isn 't controlled and disciplined , the diaphragm may be complaining .
- 子宫帽是一个半圆的柔软膈膜,在性交之前放入阴道,盖住宫颈部位。
- A diaphragm is soft dome that can be inserted into the vagina to cover the cervix before intercourse .
- 真菌看起来就像一个汉堡包,有裂缝,是棕色的,并完好地集中于你的隔膜与上唇之间的小凹槽地区。
- A tiny hamburger is what the fungus resembles , cracked and brown and perfectly centered in the little fluted area between your septum and upper lip .
- 这些腔室在心脏的每一侧形成两个独立的泵,他们被一片叫做间隔的肌肉分开。
- These cavities form two separate pumps on each side of the heart , which are divided by a wall of muscle called the septum .
- 在棉签上挤约豌豆大小的软膏,轻涂于两个鼻孔,特别是鼻子中间部分,称为鼻中隔。
- Apply a pea-sized dab to a cotton swab and gently rub just the cotton tip up inside each nostril , especially on the middle part of the nose ( called the nasal septum ) .
- 电势在电池间泵过,并被薄膜所分离。
- These are pumped through a cell , separated by a membrane .
- 雷达表面覆盖有特制的薄膜以保证不会在水淹的情况下失效。
- The radar has a special membrane not to let it drown in case of flood .
- 然后用一种真空薄膜压力将扁平的hi-macs薄片加热成型。
- The flat hi-macs sheets then were thermoformed into shape using a vacuum membrane press .