- iserloh最近准备了腰果鸡丁,并在最后加入芽甘蓝,对于这种与众不同的结合,她的评价是“非常棒。”
- Iserloh recently prepared cashew chicken and tossed brussels sprouts at the end -- an unusual combination that she said was " so good . "
- 逛完种类庞杂且存货丰富的食品市场,再坐在桑树的树荫底下简单地吃点温热的扁面包、杏干和腰果之后,就到了搜寻地毯的时候了。
- After a visit to the sprawling and richly stocked food market , and a simple picnic of warm fatir flatbread , dried apricots and cashew nuts under the shade of a mulberry tree , it is time to seek out some carpets .
- 根据非洲腰果联盟(行业组织)介绍,非洲种植的腰果约占全球产量的40%,但只有约10%在非洲进行加工(非洲东部较多,西部较少)。
- African farmers grow about 40 % of the world 's cashews , but only around 10 % of the crop ( less in the west , more in the east ) is processed in africa , according to the african cashew alliance , an industry group .