- 刚好可以放在我的口袋里。
- It fits right in my pocket .
- 在你遇到下雪天前确保它们一直在你的装备袋里。
- Keep them in your pocket until you hit the snow .
- 他口袋中的手机铃声响起。
- The cell phone in his pocket rings .
- 你有一个男式钱包。
- You had a man purse .
- 或者是rita拿错了钱包?
- Or maybe rita grabbed the wrong purse ?
- 她全身只穿着一条白色的裤子,上身一丝不挂,除了肩上背着的手提包。
- She was wearing white pants and not much else besides a purse over her shoulder .
- 刚好可以放在我的口袋里。
- It fits right in my pocket .
- 在你遇到下雪天前确保它们一直在你的装备袋里。
- Keep them in your pocket until you hit the snow .
- 他口袋中的手机铃声响起。
- The cell phone in his pocket rings .