- 最佳的享用方法是,带着完全开放的心态(就如在晚上享乐时那样)和毅然冒险的味觉。
- The best way to enjoy it is with a totally open mind , as one would an evening 's entertainment , and a resolutely adventurous palate .
- 我一般都会避开那些味道太强烈的东西,倒不是因为怕影响我的味觉,而是我的味蕾太敏感了。
- I tend to steer clear of anything too strongly flavoured , though . Not because it would affect my palate , just because my taste buds are so sensitive .
- 多年前,我初次见到评酒大师罗伯特派克(robertm.parkerjr.)的时候,他讲了一句我永远忘不了的话,“我妻子帕特(pat)的味觉比我好得多。”
- Many years ago , when I first met the wine critic robert m. parker jr. , he told me something that I have never forgotten . ' My wife , pat , has a much better palate than I do , ' he said .
- 男性较重的额头和下巴可能已经发展到能够承受其他男性的打击。
- The heavier brow and jaw of males might have developed to withstand blows from other males .
- 但是只有在我为了喝水的时候,当你看见我开始伸手去拿水杯时,你下颌的肌肉感应着活动起来。
- Your jaw muscles activate sympathetically when you see me initiate my reach for the glass , but only when I am reaching to have a drink .
- 这位母亲还说,自从班上有个同学做了下颌整容手术,她的女儿就一直求她,最终她做出了让步。
- After a classmate had her jaw reshaped , the mother said , her daughter pleaded for the operation until finally she gave in .