- 他的手被尖角处划了个口子,血从他的腕部缓慢地滴淌出来。
- He stops when his hand is gashed open , and blood slowly trickles to his wrist .
- 左侧腕部骨折,到死亡之前还未愈合,可能是在位于梅塞尔的火山湖里淹死的。
- It had a broken left wrist , healing at the time of death , and may have drowned in the volcanic lake at messel .
- 然后他把手放在我的左腕上,沉思着说,尸体的痕迹是“命数”。
- Then he placed his hand on my left wrist and mused that maybe this trail of bodies was " destiny . "
- 在叙利亚问题上,他表示他将武装反政府分子。
- In syria , he says he would arm the rebels .
- 她把手放在我的手臂上。
- She put her hand on my arm .
- 我嘘声说并抓住了那只手臂。
- I hissed and grabbed the arm .
- 这项研究调查了桡侧腕长伸肌腱移位这种技术修复有症状的舟月骨不稳定的效果。
- This study investigates the results of a technique using an extensor carpi radialis longus ( ecrl ) tenodesis for symptomatic scapholunate instability .