- 这样有助于盐结晶。
- This will help the salt crystallize .
- 他表示,减少食盐和不健康脂肪的食用可能也有帮助。
- He says a decrease in the use of salt and unhealthful fats probably also helped .
- 后来,这个地区有了来自别的地区的食物和加碘的食盐,问题就解决了。
- The problem ended when food was brought in from elsewhere and salt was iodized .
- 现代over-indulgers在食品、饮料和其它食物都是在相同的腌菜是士兵在战场上,他说:“恐惧和迷惑,无情地引诱修复保证使现实更容易忍受。”
- Modern over-indulgers in food , drink and other goodies are in the same pickle as soldiers on the battlefield , he argues : " disorientated , fearful , and relentlessly tempted by fixes that promise to make reality more bearable . "
- 其它命名吉利的工具也处于类似的困境。
- Other euphemistically-named vehicles are in a similar pickle .
- 英国基础物理研究陷入困境。
- In britain , fundamental physics is in a pickle
- 预防相对于治疗是更现实的办法。
- Prevention is more realistic than cure .
- 这一发现并不意味着治愈。
- This discovery is not a cure .
- 大蒜能治疗并预防感冒吗?
- Can garlic cure and prevent colds naturally ?
- 但保护独立、可靠的新闻报道却是头等要务。
- What is paramount is preserving independent , credible news reporting .
- 最近的成绩包括保护虹口旧犹太人区的部分建筑。
- Recent achievements include preserving parts of the old jewish area in hongkou .
- 保护它的多样性可能就成为应对气候变化的基础了。
- Preserving that diversity might just be grounds to act on climate change .
- 你喜欢腌过的食物吗?
- Do you like pickled food ?
- 你喜欢吃腌过的鱼吗?
- Do you like pickled fish ?
- 希斯特罗姆常常谈到工作与个人生活、技术的乐趣与实用性元素、一道菜里不同调味料(如焖肉和腌洋葱)之间的平衡。
- Mr systrom speaks often of the balance between work and personal life , between the fun and functional elements of a technology , and between flavours in a dish such as carnitas and pickled onions .