- 在开始的时候他们的乳酸脱氢酶(它是一种与组织衰竭有关的酶)水平确实偏高,因此这种可能性必须予以考虑。
- They did indeed have higher initial levels of lactate dehydrogenase an enzyme associated with tissue breakdown so this possibility should not be discounted .
- 几乎百分之四十的东亚人在醛脱氢酶另一种处理酒精的必要酶方面有不同而且效率更低。
- Almost forty per cent of east asians have a variant , less efficient form of aldehyde dehydrogenase , another enzyme necessary for alcohol processing .
- 大部分与酒精成瘾问题关联的基因是酒精脱氢酶基因(aldh),它参与酒精的新陈代谢作用同时对过量饮酒产生保护。
- Most consistently associated with alcoholism are the alcohol dehydrogenase genes ( aldh ) , which are involved in alcohol metabolism and protection against heavy drinking .