- 前景直至脚灯铺了一块鲜绿色的画布,中景的底层是若干覆盖着毛茸茸绿色地衣的对称小丘,与槌球游戏的拱门邻接,上面的灌木丛形状像桔子树,但点缀其间的却是大朵大朵粉红色和红色的玫瑰花。
- The foreground , to the footlights , was covered with emerald green cloth . In the middle distance symmetrical mounds of woolly green moss bounded by croquet hoops formed the base of shrubs shaped like orange-trees but studded with large pink and red roses .
- 自从上次他撞坏了脚灯,他就被禁演了。
- He was banned after he smashed up the footlights .
- 她老是梦想当演员。
- She 's always dreaming of the footlights .
- 允许人民币自由浮动并非没有代价。
- To float the renminbi is not costless .
- 在阳光普照的摩加迪沙港口,七只帆船和三艘货轮漂浮在水面上。
- Seven dhows and three freighters float in the sunlit port of mogadishu .
- 硅藻会在营养丰富的水溶液中漂浮且会在阳光下产生油。
- Diatoms would float about in a nutrient-rich water solution and produce oil when exposed to sunlight .