- 耷拉着脑袋低垂着眼睛?
- Bowed head and lowered eyes ?
- 在首脑会议上,传统经济大国将不得不为他们腾出更多的空间。
- The traditional powers will have to make more room for them at the head table .
- 博恩斯教授抬起头来。
- Professor burns raised her head .
- 但是就像传统武士的发型(脑袋四周剃得精光,只有头顶留着一撮小辫子)一般,这种态度看起来越来越过时了。
- But like the traditional samurai hairstyle ( shaved pate and topknot ) , such attitudes are looking increasingly out of date .
- 他擦去了秃头上的汗。
- He mopped the sweat from his bald pate .
- 你记得我做的那个蔬菜面团吗……?
- Do you remember that vegetarian pate .
- 让我的灵魂感到温暖像是喝了一杯热可可。
- I feel so warm just my soul drinks a cup of hot coco .
- 蒂姆会给可可做什么呢?
- What will tim make for coco ?
- 1923年,可可香奈儿从戛纳巡游回来时皮肤被阳光晒伤,是她让“美黑”看起来非常时髦!
- It was coco chanel who made it seem fashionable when she gotburnt by sun rays way back in 1923 on a cruise towards cannes !