- mesocoat是迈阿密abakaninc.的子公司,它从橡树岭国家实验室(oakridgenationallaboratory)获得了这项技术的授权。
- Mesocoat - a unit of miami-based abakan inc. - licensed the technology from the oak ridge national laboratory .
- 两天前,塔利班在森林中伏击战斗连,挺进abasghar山脊。
- Two days earlier , the taliban had ambushed battle company in the forests and spurs of the abas ghar ridge .
- 这些天,他放弃了更清闲的职务位于亨茨维尔的马歇尔航天中心的“先进概念处”的副经理,但是正如他最近在橡树岭星际研讨会表现出那样,他在宽泛意义上也属于大会的组织者,科幻小说迷和科幻作者。
- These days he goes by the more prosaic title of deputy manager for the advanced concepts office at marshall space flight center in huntsville , but as the recent interstellar workshop in oak ridge demonstrated , he 's also ranging widely on his own as conference organizer , author and science fiction aficionado .