- 文摘:本文综述了穴位实质及穴位与内脏的初级传入神经在脊髓前、脊髓内汇聚,部分地解释了穴位作用的特异性、内脏牵涉痛与针刺镇痛的机制。
- Abstract : the essence of acupoint and the convergence of acupoint and the primary afferent neurous of viscera at the prospinal cord or in the spinal cord were overvicued , which partly explained the mechanism of the acting specificity of acupoint , the referred pain of viscera and the acupuncture analgesia .
- 脊髓损伤导致瘫痪,是由于割断或压坏了连接大脑和脊髓内使全身肌肉活动的神经元之间的神经纤维的缘故。
- Spinal injuries cause paralysis because they sever or crush nerve fibers that connect the brain to neurons in the spinal cord that move muscles throughout the body .
- 库尔蒂纳解释,大多数人的脊髓损伤,他们的脊髓不是完全切断的。
- Most spinal injuries in people do not sever the spinal cord completely , explains courtine .
- 这个最新的研究终结了一场关于它是否是脊椎动物家族中第一个成员的争论。
- The latest study resolves a debate about whether it is the first member of the chordate family .
- 迪恩的专长领域是牙形石,这是一种尚不明确的微型化石,学界认为其以前应该是一种已经灭绝的动物,叫脊索动物从图片上看,有点像蠕虫。
- Dean 's area of expertise is conodonts , an obscure group of microfossils thought to have been an extinct animal called the chordate - which , judging from the pictures , looked a bit like a worm .