- 那个冲动会让你行动吗?
- Which impulse will you act upon ?
- 广告商们用他们来刺激冲动购买。
- Advertisers use them to stimulate impulse buying .
- 但是创造的冲动是一个完全不同的野兽。
- But the impulse to create is a different beast altogether .
- 那一刻,我有了想跳下去的冲动。
- Then I had an impulsion to jump off the mountain .
- 人的需要是技术产生与发展的原动力。
- The person 's need is the impulsion of technical generation and development .
- 我爱无悔的青春,却不喜欢幼稚的冲动。
- I love the regretless youth but not the childish impulsion .
- 愚人节前一天搬出去住。
- Move out the night before .
- 他们把我的房间租了出去。
- They rented out my room .
- 外面有着更多的暗星系?
- More dark galaxies out there ?
- 国家似乎正在朝着冲动和骄傲的错误方向行进。
- The country is seemingly led by misleading impulses and pride .
- 事件在您的宝宝的生活触发电脉冲到脑部,建立神经通路。
- Events in your baby 's life trigger electrical impulses to the brain , establishing neural pathways .
- zeo是一个头带,装有可测量脑电波和眼部活动电脉冲的银电极。
- The zeo is a headband with silver electrodes that measure brainwaves and electrical impulses from eye movements .