- 你有一根橡皮筋吗?
- Do you have a rubber band ?
- 他们肯定会报道橡皮子弹的。
- They 'll report rubber for sure .
- 橡皮筋冰冻后,更耐用。
- Rubber bands last longer when refrigerated .
- 同样,藤壶胶也很特别。
- Barnacle glue is equally special .
- 要把胶水放在手边。
- Keep a glue stick handy .
- 然而普通的胶水是达不到此要求的。
- Yet a simple glue would not be enough .
- 牙龈问题增加动脉硬化的风险。
- Gum problems increase the risk of atherosclerosis .
- 嚼口香糖是一个更好的选择。
- Chewing gum is a healthier alternative .
- 只是一定要选择无糖口香糖哦。
- Just be sure to choose sugar-free gum .