- 国家环保总局副局长潘岳说,每年污染的代价占到gdp的10%。
- Pan yue , a deputy minister at the government 's environmental watchdog , believes that the costs inflicted by pollution each year amount to some 10 % of gdp .
- 48岁的岳敏君甚至贡献出了一幅自画肖像,用于装饰陈冲饰演的角色所在的杂志办公室。
- Mr. yue , 48 years old , even lent a small portrait of himself to be used in the magazine office of a character played by joan chen .
- 自一周前被送往广州一家军队医院以来,这位名叫王悦的两岁女童一直处于危急状态,接近脑死亡。
- The two-year-old , wang yue , had been in critical condition and verging on brain death since arriving at a military hospital in the city of guangzhou a week ago .