- 勇气则是一个更棘手的问题。
- The guts are a trickier matter .
- 当然,真正做出这种转变需要很大的勇气。
- But it takes guts to actually make the change .
- 我感觉受缚的胸腔里有股燃烧着的胆量。
- I can feel my tender burning guts smoulder inside my gasping caged chest .
- 那将是勇气的潜在回报。
- That is the potential reward for courage .
- 但或许大臣们应当拿出更多的勇气。
- But perhaps ministers should have some courage .
- 这么做需要很大的勇气。
- To do so requires great courage .
- 除此之外,我还得应付与这些问题形影不离的小毛小病,如骨质疏松症、胃轻瘫、白内障、胆囊功能衰竭,诱发性肠道慢性出血。
- Plus , I 've coped with all the secondary illnesses that waltz along with these problems , including osteoporosis , gastroparesis , cataracts , gallbladder failure , impacted bowel and chronic bleeding .
- 费城德雷赛尔医学院的保罗科西罗博士和史蒂芬尼金博士发明了脐部单切口技术,2007年5月科西罗博士将此方法首次应用于临床,为一位妇女通过肚脐摘除了胆囊。
- Drs. paul curcillo and stephanie king of drexel university college of medicine in philadelphia developed a single-incision technique and curcillo was the first to use the method to remove a woman 's gallbladder through her bellybutton in may 2007 .
- 有助于预防男性胆结石及症状胆囊
- Helps prevent gallstones and symptomatic gallbladder disease in men .
- 胆碱可以帮助缓解哮喘相关的症状。
- Choline may help relieve symptoms associated with asthma .
- 孕妇也要依靠胆碱才能满足胎儿脑细胞快速生长的需求。
- Pregnant women must also consume choline to support the rapid production of fetal brain cells .
- 它们富含蛋白质,同时是食物中最大的胆碱来源,那是一种十分重要的维他命,可以增进大脑的健康。
- They are protein packed and a top dietary source of choline an essential vitamin that has been shown to promote brain health .
- 这也需要相当的勇气。
- It has also required considerable bravery .
- 生与死是两个最高贵的勇敢表现。
- Birth and death are the two noblest expressions of bravery .
- 当我们看到它时会认可道德上的勇气。
- We recognise moral bravery when we see it .