- 力昂海沃德(leonheyward)因患肺部疾病和癌症于去年不幸离世,医疗部门鉴定其死因为谋杀,力昂海沃德是在双子塔(thetwintowers)倒塌后吸入有毒灰尘而死亡的。
- Leon heyward died last year of lung disease and cancer , and his death has been classified by medical authorities as murder caused by having inhaled toxic dust in the wake of the collapse of the twin towers .
- 暴露于二氧化硅的强度越大,暴露时间越长,决定了矽肺结节的数目及肺疾病的发展。
- The greater the degree of exposure to silica and increasing length of exposure determine the amount of silicotic nodule formation and the degree of restrictive lung disease .
- 学院寻求5个最重要领域中新的治愈和治疗技术:癌症、肝脏疾病、心脏/肺脏疾病、衰老和大脑疾病以及传染性疾病。
- Research at the school seeks new cures and treatments in five key areas : cancer , liver disease , heart / lung disease , aging and brain disease , and infectious disease .
- 加味二陈汤治疗慢性阻塞性肺病急性加重期疗效观察
- Revised Erchen Decoction Treat Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease ( COPD ) in Acute Exacerbation Period
- SPICES评估表在老年COPD患者中的应用与护理干预
- Application of SPICES assessment form for elderly COPD patients and it \'s specialist nursing intervention
- 呼吸科医生对于COPD认知和处理现状的断面调查
- Knowledge Level about Prevention and Treatment of COPD : A Cross-Sectional Survey in Pulmonary Physicians
- 肺结核病曾经一度广泛流行。
- Tuberculosis was once terribly fashionable .
- 结核病是可治可防的。
- Tuberculosis is curable and preventable .
- 结核病通常是用第一线的抗结核药物治疗。
- Tuberculosis is usually treated with first-line anti-tb medications .