- “我们没有观察到与多不饱和脂肪或植物食品源脂肪之间的任何稳定相关性”,她说,“总结起来,这些结果揭示了动物脂肪在胰腺癌生成中的作用”。
- " We did not observe any consistent association with poly-unsaturated or fat from plant food sources , " she said . " Altogether , these results suggest a role for animal fat in pancreatic carcinogenesis . "
- 在每棵大白菜中加入约40克山楂制成的泡菜可以有效地增强心脏功能,具有降低血压,软化血管,阻止胆固醇吸收,促进动物脂肪消化等作用。
- The kimchi with about 40g fruit of crataegus pinnatifida per head of cabbage is efficacious for heart stimulation , depression of the blood pressure , extension of the blood vessel , prevention against the cholesterol absorption , promotion of animal fat foodstuff digestion and so on .
- 4月份,央视曾报道政府如何打击查处那些从动物油脂和器官中分解生产地沟油的地下加工厂。
- In april , state-run media reported on how officials cracked down on underground workshops that used decomposing animal fat and organs to produce gutter oil .
- 哈哈您是在逗我玩儿吧。
- Haw-haw , are you kidding me zh .
- 这儿哞哞哞,那儿哞哞哞。
- A moo , moo here and a moo , moo there zh .
- 我是中文维基的管理员之一和中文维基在这里的大使。
- I am a sysop of the zh wiki and am an ambassador of the zh wiki here .