- 我能感受到他渴望为自己犯下的一切作出补偿,并希望得到我的理解。
- I had the sense that he sought some kind of atonement for the things he had done , but also wanted my understanding .
- 我对这个世界的理解有种令人不适的转变,就好像组成我大脑的构造版块在一阵震动后,又归于了平静与稳定,又好像是接骨,疼了那么一下,然后感觉有些东西总算是归了位。
- There was an uncomfortable shift in my understanding of the world , like a jarring of my mental tectonic plates , followed by a feeling of calmness and certainty . Like the setting a broken bone , it hurt for a minute , but in the end it felt like something had been made right .
- 我对它的理解是,当神之女奴的传统最初起兴之时,用来献身的女性来自高阶层的家庭,甚至是皇室。
- My understanding of it is that originally when the devadasi tradition first came about , the women dedicated were from high caste families , even royalty .