- 我仿佛觉得体内有根弦,缠绕在我左侧肋骨,我心脏的地方,与你身上相同的部位紧紧地维系在一起。
- It feels as though I had a string , tied here under my left rib where my heart is , tightly knotted to you in a similar fashion .
- 在这块特殊的肋骨上你可以看见真正的骨骼与人造骨骼是如何连接的。
- On this particular rib , you could see where the real rib goes together with the artificial rib .
- 受冲击力影响,有一些肋骨断裂,但没有皮肤破损。
- A few suffered rib fractures from the force of the impact , but no skin was broken .
- 即使是哥斯达黎加也面临着同样的政治问题。
- Even costa rica faces political problems .
- echr的最高领导人,让保罗科斯塔注意到,至今为止唯一推出公约的国家是军政府统治下的希腊。
- Jean-paul costa , president of the echr , notes that the only country ever to withdraw from the convention was greece under its junta .
- 在最近发生在意大利海岸的科斯塔-康科迪亚号事故中,该船船长抛弃了正在沉没的游轮,让人们纷纷谈起英国人在海上表现出的骑士精神。
- The recent costa concordia disaster off the coast of italy , in which the captain abandoned his sinking ship , led to discussions of british chivalry at sea .