


The flesh of the cucumber is mostly water , but also contains ascorbic acid ( vitamin c ) and caffeic acid , both of which help soothe skin irritations and reduce swelling these acids prevent water retention , which may explain why cucumbers applied topically are often helpful for swollen eyes , burns and dermatitis .
The flesh of the cucumber is mostly water , but also contains ascorbic acid ( vitamin c ) and caffeic acid , both of which help soothe skin irritations and reduce swelling these acids prevent water retention , which may explain why cucumbers applied topically are often helpful for swollen eyes , burns and dermatitis .
The flesh of the cucumber is mostly water , but also contains ascorbic acid ( vitamin c ) and caffeic acid , both of which help soothe skin irritations and reduce swelling these acids prevent water retention , which may explain why cucumbers applied topically are often helpful for swollen eyes , burns and dermatitis .