- 在纽约切装,在伦敦烤焙,很棒的排骨。
- The new york cuts , the london broil and the magnificent rib eye .
- 烹饪风格:西餐、中餐和印度餐,外加一些烧烤食品,比如龙虾和里脊牛排。
- Cooking style : western , chinese and indian , as well as a selection of grilled items , such as lobster and rib-eye steak
- 一份300克的沙朗牛排包含325卡路里和13克的脂肪其中6克的脂肪是饱和的.相比较而言一份相同分量的牛里脊肉包含423卡路里和23克的脂肪其中12克的脂肪是饱和的.
- A 300 grams sirloin steak contains 325 calories and 13 grams of fat , 6 of them saturated , compared to the 423 calories and 23 grams of fat ( 12 of them saturated ) found in the same size of rib-eye steak .