- 没什么地方比西德文郡更能体现芝加哥的多样性,这里已经成了南亚族群区的主干道。
- Nowhere is chicago 's diversity more evident than on west devon avenue , which has become the main thoroughfare of the south asian community .
- 还有一辆morrismarinasuntor,由位于英格兰南部德文郡的一家工厂改装完成。
- There is also a morris marina sun tor , a conversion by a company based in devon in the south of england .
- 说到跨境选区,康沃尔和德文郡的西南部地区已是怨声载道了。
- Talk of a seat straddling cornwall and devon already has campaigners in the south-west incensed .