- 我们需要创新,需要不断满足消费者的期望,这将是我们关注的重点。
- We need to innovate and meet consumer expectations , and that 's going to be our focus .
- 现在,人们既可以在这里会面和宣传,也可以公开阐述自己的观点。
- Now it 's as much a place to meet and be visible as an announcement stage .
- 我们会找到见面的方法的。
- We will work out how to meet .
- 其他人则将聚集在祖科蒂公园。
- Others will gather in zuccotti park .
- 利用每个机会去收集顾客反馈。
- Gather customer feedback at every opportunity .
- 犯人们聚集在加利福尼亚州的骡河州立监狱。
- Prisoners gather at the mule creek state prison in california .