- 总统夫妇育有一女。
- The couple had one daughter .
- 他们成了令人瞩目的夫妇。
- They are a remarkable couple .
- 斯周夫妇一度放弃了性生活。
- The couple stopped having sex .
- 每一张脸都有着一双独特的双眼。
- In each a pair of inimitable eyes .
- 图为南极的一对企鹅。
- A pair of chinstrap penguins in antarctica .
- 能不能给我看一下那一双?
- Can you show me that pair , please ?
- 即便在大选期间也是如此。
- Even in a political season .
- 现在连制药公司也加入。
- Even drug companies are involved .
- 但即便是这样,仍有半数认罪。
- Even so , half still confessed .