- 她碰巧发现了德鲁克1973年的书,而这本书帮助她将那些乌合之众组织成了一支团队。
- She stumbles upon drucker 's 1973 book , and it helps her turn the rabble into a team .
- 然而,这就确实会提出一个疑问:为何去年军方拒绝使用非常权力击退包围曼谷主要机场的pad论证地来看,相较此次迂回的乌合之众,那次的安全威胁更严重。
- It does , however , raise the question of why the army refused to use emergency powers last year to eject the pad from bangkok 's main airport-arguably a graver security threat than a rabble at a roundabout .
- 下层人士除了充当为某些事业而被唤起的群众,或被用来恐吓势单力薄的资产阶级的暴民之外,已从政治领域被边缘化。
- Those below have been marginalised from politics , except as masses to be roused for some cause , or as a rabble with which to frighten a narrow and fragile bourgeoisie .
- 用耙子把土壤表面耙平。
- Use a rake to create a level surface .
- 用金属耙子头部轻轻地压实土壤。
- Using the head of the metal rake , lightly firm the soil .
- 用双脚或耙子顶部把土壤压平,因为洋葱在比较坚硬的土壤中长势更好。
- Use your feet or the head of the rake to firm down the soil as onions grow well in hard soil .