- 一些人讲述了几周以来在猛烈炮火中痛苦和被限制的生活。
- Some told harrowing tales of their confinement for weeks under heavy artillery fire .
- 那当然是一段残忍而痛苦的岁月,但这并非我不安的原因。
- Of course it was a brutal and harrowing time , but that isn 't the reason for my disquiet .
- 当然,要忘记悲惨和英雄辈出的9月11日恐怖袭击事件几乎是不可能的。
- Of course , it 's nearly impossible to forget the harrowing and heroic events of sept. 11 .
- 这个软件是用来将数据备份到物理磁盘上的。
- This software is for backing up your data on a physical disk .
- 计算完成以后,模型将这两个方面合并到一起,描绘出尘埃盘整体形象。
- The model then integrated the two pictures to paint a fuller portrait of the dusty disk .
- 随着由于重力引起的星云坍缩,它旋转得越来越快,并变成了盘状。
- As the nebula collapsed because of its gravity , it spun faster and flattened into a disk .
- 然而,银质光盘仍旧占据着统治地位。
- Yet the silver disc still dominates .
- 然后他们在盘上发现了一个小物体,可能是造成裂口的原因。
- They then found a small object in the disc which may be the cause of the gap .
- 一条缓慢流淌的河水可以形成慢速的涡流,伴随着旋转,就会形成了一个冰盘。
- A slow moving river current can create a slow turning eddy , which rotates , forming an ice disc .
- b计划将要求灵巧的技术管理和政治勇气。
- Plan b will require deft technical management and political courage .
- 就如其他避孕方法一样,b计划也是阻止怀孕。
- Like other birth control , plan b prevents pregnancy .
- 这些可以通过上面的数据包b的传输来实现。
- This is done via the byte enable mask in packet b above .
- 有时,我们从赶着牛在田间耕作的男人或稻田里劳作着的健硕的女孩身旁经过。
- Sometimes we would pass men ploughing a field with oxen or sturdy girls working in the paddy fields .
- 参赛者们在方圆两平方公里的土地上犁地,根据深度、笔直程度以及他们犁出地的总体观感进行评判。
- Competitors furrowed plots of about two square kilometres and were judged on the depth , straightness and overall look of their ploughing .